All donations over $2 are tax-deductible
United Israel Appeal Refugee Relief Fund | ABN 75 071 207 094
Phone (02) 9361 4273 |
Donate to UIA NSW 2024 Campaign
This year we are tasked with helping to rebuild our homeland while at the same time continuing to support the People of Israel.
We are still at war and Israel is in a state of emergency. The scale of the challenge for our homeland and our people is still to be determined.
Entire communities have been decimated. KH-UIA will be responsible for rebuilding the social fabric and communal structure of these communities in southern Israel over the next three years:
Be'eri | Ein Habesor | Kfar Aza | Magal | Mivtachim | Nir Am | Or Ha'ner | Shlomit | Yated | Yesha
Please give generously to the People of Israel through UIA's 2024 Campaign